Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study

  1. 28 November, The 11th Brown Bag Seminar: Mioko Sudo (Assistant Professor, HIAS) , “Early Steps in Social Cognition : How Children Navigate Social Differences with Others” (onsite)

  2. 31 October, The 10th Brown Bag Seminar: Shaofeng Zheng (Assistant Professor, HIAS) , “Empathic Concern Promotes Social Support-Seeking: A Cross-Cultural Study” (onsite)

  3. A paper co-authored by Professor Maria Lohan (HIAS Visiting Researcher/Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queen’s University Belfast) entitled “The implementation of compulsory relationships and sex education in English secondary schools: qualitative research in the 2022–23 school year” was published in Sex Education (Published 2 July 2024)

  4. 3 October, The 9th Brown Bag Seminar:Davide Luigi Totaro (Research Associate, HIAS), “Artificial Intelligence in the Boardroom: Fiduciary Duties and Director and Officer Liability in the Age of Robo-Advisors and Robo-Directors” (onsite)

  5. 26 September, The 8th Brown Bag Seminar: René Belderbos (KU Leuven/ HIAS Visiting Professor), “Cross-border Organizational Strategies for Knowledge Appropriation of Codified and Complex Technologies” (onsite)

  6. 19 September, The 7th Brown Bag Seminar: Toshimitsu Aritake (Assistant Professor, HIAS), “Domain adaptation for extra features using optimal transport” (onsite)

  7. 12 September, The 6th HIAS Brown Bag Seminar: Kohei Matsumoto (Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, HIAS), “The Impact of International Expansion on Product Recalls” (onsite)

  8. 27 June, The 4th HIAS Brown Bag Seminar: Dr. Tetsuya Aoki, (Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study), “Does AI Recommendation promote purchase behavior? The Sense of Objective Customization” (onsite)

  9. A paper co-authored by Assistant Professor David U. Socol de la Osa (HIAS) entitled “Shaping Global AI Governance: Enhancements and Next Steps for the G7 Hiroshima AI Process” was published on the CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies) website (published 24 May 2024)

  10. A paper co-authored by Professor Maria Lohan (HIAS Visiting Researcher/Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queen’s University Belfast) entitled “Engaging men and boys in sexual and reproductive health and rights” was published in the BMJ (Published 10 May 2024)