Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study

  1. 28 January, The 75th regular seminar: Dr. Mizanur Rahman, HIAS, Hitotsubashi University, “Hypertension Control Through Community Pharmacy Intervention in Rural Bangladesh: Results from a Cluster RCT”

  2. 19 December, The 12th Brown Bag Seminar: Maria Lohan (Specially Appointed Professor, HIAS) , “How to conduct a research priority exercise using a CHNRI methodology? Two examples of research priority setting exercises conducted for the World Health Organization” (The 74th HIAS Health Regular Seminar, In Person/Zoom)

  3. [Report] HIAS Health Symposium commemorating Hitotsubashi University’s 150th Anniversary “Primary Health Care and Social Science – Policies and Practices for Healthy Living”

  4. 11 December, The 73rd regular seminar: Dr. Lou Jing, NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, “Cost Benefit Analyses of Alternative Testing and Quarantine Policies at Country Border for Infection Control: Case Studies in Southeast Asia during COVID-19”

  5. 8th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR 2024) 18-22 November, Nagasaki, Japan

  6. 2 December, The 72nd regular seminar: Dr. Smritima Lama, Visiting Scholar, Hitotsubashi University, “A comparative study of Australia, India and Japan on the human health-climate change nexus: A perspective on Japan”

  7. 6 November, The 71st regular seminar: Dr. Rashedul Islam, HIAS, Hitotsubashi University, “The relationship between organizational capacity of mutual health organizations and health care access and financial risk protection: Evidence from twin surveys in Senegal”

  8. 2 October, The 70th regular seminar: Dr. Nguyen The Phuong, HIAS, Hitotsubashi University, “Trends and Projections of Child Immunization in 33 African Countries (2000-2030): A Spatial-Temporal Bayesian Analysis for Universal Health Coverage”

  9. 18 September, The 69th regular seminar: Dr. Ping Ruru, HIAS, Hitotsubashi University, “Evaluating the impact of a pilot programme for home- and community-based services on long-term care needs among older adults in China”

  10. 8 December, The 68th regular seminar: Dr. Tao TAO, School of Sociology and Population Studies, Renmin University of China, “Birth Order and Gender Differences in the Division of Elderly Support within Chinese Family in the Process of Individualization”