Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study

  1. [Now available]The paper entitled “The price of distance: pricing-to-market and geographic barriers” by Professor Takashi Kano (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi Graduate School), Professor Kazutaka Takechi (Department of International Economics, Faculty of Economics, Hosei University), and Associate Professor Kazuko Kano (Faculty of Commerce, School of commerce, Waseda University) has been published in the Journal of Economic Geography

  2. Discussion Paper HIAS-E-120 “An evolution of global and regional banking networks: A focus on Japanese banks’ international expansion” has been issued.

  3. Discussion Paper HIAS-E-119 “Transportation Infrastructure and Trade” has been issued.

  4. Discussion Paper HIAS-E-118 “Forecasting GDP growth using stock returns in Japan: A factor-augmented MIDAS approach” has been issued.

  5. Discussion Paper HIAS-E-117 “Heterogeneous Internal Trade Cost and Its Implications in Trade” has been issued.

  6. Discussion Paper HIAS-E-116 “COVID-19 Uncertainty Index in Japan: Newspaper-Based Measures and Economic Activities” has been issued.

  7. Discussion Paper HIAS-E-114 “Welfare Costs of Exchange Rate Fluctuations: Evidence from the 1972 Okinawa Reversion” has been issued.

  8. Webinar of Bayesian Econometrics 2021 on 26-27 November, 2021

  9. November 9th, The 2nd HIAS Seminar : Peiyun Jiang, Hitotsubashi University, “Consistency of the common break estimator in panel data models under misspecification”

  10. Discussion Paper HIAS-E-113 “Price Discrimination in the Transport Industry and the Gains from Trade” has been issued.