Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study

**Application period closed** Open Positions : Full-time Assistant Professor / Research Associate(non-tenure / five-year fixed term)(Research Fields: Economics, Business) (closing date; Wednesday 30th November 2022 (JST))

  1. 16 January, The 13th Brown Bag Seminar: Etienne Makdissi (Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, HIAS) , “Returns to Education in Marriage” (onsite)

  2. A paper co-authored by Professor Maria Lohan (Specially Appointed Professor, HIAS /Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queen’s University Belfast) entitled “What research evidence is required on violence against women to inform future pandemic preparedness? A scoping review of the research evidence and gaps” was published in BMJ Global Health (Published 11 December 2024)

  3. [Report] HSI2024 – the 10th Hitotsubashi Summer Institute: Macroeconomic Policies was held

  4. 19 December, The 12th Brown Bag Seminar: Maria Lohan (Specially Appointed Professor, HIAS) , “How to conduct a research priority exercise using a CHNRI methodology? Two examples of research priority setting exercises conducted for the World Health Organization” (The 74th HIAS Health Regular Seminar, In Person/Zoom)

  5. [Report] HIAS Health Symposium commemorating Hitotsubashi University’s 150th Anniversary “Primary Health Care and Social Science – Policies and Practices for Healthy Living”

  6. 19 December, The 9th HIAS Seminar 2024: Soo Hong Chew, Southwestern Universtiy of Finance and Economics

  7. 13 December, The 8th HIAS Seminar 2024: Kota Saito, Caltech

  8. 11 December, The 73rd regular seminar: Dr. Lou Jing, NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, “Cost Benefit Analyses of Alternative Testing and Quarantine Policies at Country Border for Infection Control: Case Studies in Southeast Asia during COVID-19”

  9. 14, 15 December, Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin Conference on International Trade and FDI 2024

  10. 20 November, The 93rd HIAS Lunch Seminar: Kohei Hayashida, University California San Diego, “Learning to Reduce Waste”