Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study

Registration for “HSI2020: JADE-HSI 2020 Conference”(14 & 15 November) is Open

  1. 12 September, The 6th HIAS Brown Bag Seminar: Kohei Matsumoto (Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, HIAS), “The Impact of International Expansion on Product Recalls” (onsite)

  2. 18 September, The 69th regular seminar: Dr. Ping Ruru, HIAS, Hitotsubashi University, “Evaluating the impact of a pilot programme for home- and community-based services on long-term care needs among older adults in China”

  3. 16 August, the 3rd MIC-CAREM International Research Seminar 2024: Wen Pan Fagerlin (The Blekinge Institute of Technology), “Sustainability-Oriented Innovation Strategy Implementation: Use of Management Control System and Complexity Leadership in Practice” (In-person/Zoom)

  4. 24 July, IIR Brown bag lunch seminar: Mariotti, Francesca (Senior Lecturer, Cardiff School of Management, Cardiff Metropolitan University/ Visiting Researcher, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University) “Recombinant innovation and interfirm networks in the motorsport industry”(onsite)

  5. 8 July, IIR Innovation Forum: Paul Wiegmann (Assistant Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology)“Measuring Societal Impacts of Standards”(onsite)

  6. 13-14 July, HSI2024-10th Hitotsubashi Summer Institute: Microeconomic Theory (onsite)

  7. 13 June, The 2nd HIAS Seminar 2024: Sungwan Hong, Pennsylvania State University, “Green Industrial Policies and Energy Transition in the Globalized Economy”

  8. 27 June, The 4th HIAS Brown Bag Seminar: Dr. Tetsuya Aoki, (Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study), “Does AI Recommendation promote purchase behavior? The Sense of Objective Customization” (onsite)

  9. A paper co-authored by Assistant Professor David U. Socol de la Osa (HIAS) entitled “Shaping Global AI Governance: Enhancements and Next Steps for the G7 Hiroshima AI Process” was published on the CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies) website (published 24 May 2024)

  10. A paper co-authored by Professor Maria Lohan (HIAS Visiting Researcher/Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queen’s University Belfast) entitled “Engaging men and boys in sexual and reproductive health and rights” was published in the BMJ (Published 10 May 2024)