Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study

  1. 1 May, The 87th HIAS Lunch Seminar: Eric Klemm, University College London, “Wage Progression and Cohort Inequality in the German Labour Market”

  2. 16 May, The 1st HIAS Seminar 2024 : Dr. Shurojit Chatterji (Singapore Management University), “Efficiency with heterogeneous forecasts” (onsite)

  3. 25 April, IIR Innovation Forum: Hee-Chan Song (Assistant Professor, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)“Doing and writing qualitative study: A case of Buddhist temples”(onsite)

  4. 9 May, the 2nd MIC-CAREM International Research Seminar 2024: Li-Qun WEI (Hong Kong Baptist University), “Strategic leadership: Research progress of top management team (TMT)” (onsite)

  5. 9 May, the 1st MIC-CAREM International Research Seminar 2024 / the 21st Hitotsubashi Accounting Research Society (HARS) seminar (onsite)

  6. 24 April, IIR Innovation Forum (onsite)

  7. 15 May, IIR Innovation Forum: Paul Jensen (University of Melbourne/Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University)“The effect of university-industry collaboration subsidies on firm performance”(onsite)

  8. 11 March, HSI2023 – the 9th Hitotsubashi Summer Institute: Macroeconomic Policies was held

  9. 18 April, The 1st HIAS Brown Bag Seminar: Prof. Daniёlle Flonk (Assistant Professor, Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study), “Liberal erosion of liberal norms: Contesting information freedom in a digital age” (onsite)

  10. 4 April, IIR Brown bag lunch seminar: Hideto Koizumi (Fellow, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry)“How Much of Merit Is Due to Luck? Evidence on the Butterfly Effect of Luck”(onsite)