Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study

  1. 2 November, The 6th HIAS Seminar 2023 (co-hosted by Economic Theory Workshop): Dr. Seiji Takanashi, Kanazawa University, “Social preferences of streams” (onsite)

  2. 14 September, The 4th HIAS Seminar 2023: Masahiro Yoshida, Waseda University, “Climate Change and Labor Market Dropouts of Adult Males: Evidence from the Half Century”

  3. 20 September, Institute of Innovation Research (IIR) and Management Innovation Research Center (MIC) will hold the IIR Brown bag lunch seminar (onsite).

  4. Discussion Paper HIAS-E-132 “The Trend Effect of Foreign Exchange Intervention” has been issued.

  5. 13 September, The 65th regular seminar: Dr. Matthew Robson, Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, “Estimating Health Equity Weights Across Multiple Domains”

  6. 13 September, Institute of Innovation Research (IIR) and Management Innovation Research Center (MIC) will hold the IIR Brown bag lunch seminar (onsite).

  7. 3-4 August, HSI2023-9th Hitotsubashi Summer Institute: Microeconomic Theory

  8. 26 July, The 64th regular seminar: Dr. Kazumitsu Nawata, HIAS, Hitotsubashi University, “An Analysis of Health Factors Affecting Employees’ Absenteeism; and Risk factors for heart, cerebrovascular, and kidney diseases”

  9. 22 June, Management Innovation Research Center (MIC) and Center for Advanced Research and Education in Management (CAREM) will hold the 2nd 2022 International Research Seminar.

  10. 8 June, The 63rd regular seminar: Dr. Alex Cook, NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, “Academic-government collaboration in public health: with case studies in modelling and responding to COVID-19 in Singapore”