第12回HIAS Brown Bag Seminar/第74回HIAS Health定例研究会のお知らせ
今回は、第74回HIAS Health定例研究会と共催による、ハイブリッド形式での開催です。
事前登録期日 : 12月17日(火) 13:00
■題目 :「How to conduct a research priority exercise using a CHNRI methodology? Two examples of research priority setting exercises conducted for the World Health Organization」
■講師 : Maria Lohan(社会科学高等研究院 特任教授)
■日時: 2024年12月19日(木) 12:30-13:30
■要旨: Research priority setting exercises are an important policy tool to set out a future research agenda for a policy area or research field. The CHNRI method for conducting these exercises involves a systematic process of engagement with diverse actors including policy makers, researchers, advocates and representatives of non-governmental organisations to develop shared priorities.
In this seminar, Professor Lohan will draw upon two examples of research priority setting exercises using a CHNRI method commissioned by the World Health Organisation and the UN Human Reproduction Programme that she has led/co-led. See websites here: https://masculinities.srhr.org/; https://tinyurl.com/ASRHRRPSE24
She will explain why research priority setting exercises are important; how the CHNRI methodology for research priority setting exercises works and demonstrate the results of one of the exercises, published in the Lancet Global Health. She will further engage in discussion on how you might apply this methodology in your policy or research areas.
<対面>一橋大学国立キャンパス 別館(※) 中会議室(205)
<オンライン>(Zoom URLは、事前登録された方に事前に別途お伝えいたします。)
■言語: 英語