Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study

29 November, The 5th MIC-CAREM International Research Seminar 2023 & the 20th HARS Seminar

Management Innovation Research Center (MIC), HiAS, and Center for Advanced Research and Education in Management (CAREM), HUB, will hold the 5th MIC-CAREM International Research Seminar 2023 as described below. This seminar also serves as the 20th Hitotsubashi Accounting Research Society (HARS) seminar.

【Title】The capital market effects of environmental metrics: Evidence from Hong Kong’s mandate of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting

【Speaker】Jerry W. Chen, Lecturer, Business School, Accounting and Finance, University of Auckland, New Zealand

【Date / Time】November 29 (Wed), 2023 / 13:00~ 14:30

【Venue】Room # 3403 (Conference Room 1), 4th Floor, Mercury Tower, Kunitachi East Campus, Hitotsubashi University

This study investigates the capital market effects of environmental metrics that companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong have been required to disclose since 2017. The regulatory mandate requires companies to report quantifiable environmental data either in their annual reports or in separate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reports. This data includes information on air and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, hazardous and non-hazardous waste generation, energy consumption, water consumption, and packaging material usage. The results of the value relevance test reveal that investors price these environmental metrics differently upon their release. From an economic perspective, a one-unit reduction in non-hazardous waste generation, water consumption, and packaging material usage is associated with a share price increase ranging from $0.002 to $0.163. However, there is insufficient evidence to suggest that market pricing reflects air and GHG emissions, hazardous waste generation, and energy consumption. This research offers valuable insights for regulators and standard setters seeking to understand how capital market participants perceive the mandatory disclosure of environmental metrics.

To register your participation, please register at the following URL by November 22.

We are looking forward to your participation.

If you have any questions, please contact CAREM by e-mail <h-carem[@]cm.hit-u.ac.jp>.

  1. 31 October, Hitotsubashi International Exchange Seminar: Sandes Guichon Alexis Nicolas (PhD Student, Kyoto University) “The influence of the Viveza in the Latin American Business Environment: Exploring and mapping a regional psychological construct” (onsite・language:English)

  2. 6 November, The 71st regular seminar: Dr. Rashedul Islam, HIAS, Hitotsubashi University, “The relationship between organizational capacity of mutual health organizations and health care access and financial risk protection: Evidence from twin surveys in Senegal”

  3. 31 October, The 10th Brown Bag Seminar: Shaofeng Zheng (Assistant Professor, HIAS) , “Empathic Concern Promotes Social Support-Seeking: A Cross-Cultural Study” (onsite)

  4. 22 October, IIR Innovation Forum: Kodo Yokozawa, Ph.D (Professor, Graduate School of International Social Sciences, Yokohama National University)“Anxiety that Drives Kaizen: A Strategic Blueprint for Kaizen Implementation Across Borders”(onsite・language: English)

  5. 15 October, IIR Innovation Forum: Dr. Jung H. Kwon (Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Daniels College of Business) “Strategic Redeployment of Intrafirm Patent Ownership” was cancelled.

  6. A paper co-authored by Professor Maria Lohan (HIAS Visiting Researcher/Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queen’s University Belfast) entitled “The implementation of compulsory relationships and sex education in English secondary schools: qualitative research in the 2022–23 school year” was published in Sex Education (Published 2 July 2024)

  7. 3 October, The 9th Brown Bag Seminar:Davide Luigi Totaro (Research Associate, HIAS), “Artificial Intelligence in the Boardroom: Fiduciary Duties and Director and Officer Liability in the Age of Robo-Advisors and Robo-Directors” (onsite)

  8. 2 October, The 70th regular seminar: Dr. Nguyen The Phuong, HIAS, Hitotsubashi University, “Trends and Projections of Child Immunization in 33 African Countries (2000-2030): A Spatial-Temporal Bayesian Analysis for Universal Health Coverage”

  9. 26 September, The 8th Brown Bag Seminar: René Belderbos (KU Leuven/ HIAS Visiting Professor), “Cross-border Organizational Strategies for Knowledge Appropriation of Codified and Complex Technologies” (onsite)

  10. 19 September, The 7th Brown Bag Seminar: Toshimitsu Aritake (Assistant Professor, HIAS), “Domain adaptation for extra features using optimal transport” (onsite)