Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study

10月3日(木)第9回HIAS Brown Bag Seminar:Davide Luigi Totaro(社会科学高等研究院 助教)「Artificial Intelligence in the Boardroom: Fiduciary Duties and Director and Officer Liability in the Age of Robo-Advisors and Robo-Directors」を開催します(対面開催)。

第9回HIAS Brown Bag Seminar開催のお知らせ




事前登録期日 : 10月2日(水) 13:00

■題目 :「Artificial Intelligence in the Boardroom: Fiduciary Duties and Director and Officer Liability in the Age of Robo-Advisors and Robo-Directors」

■日時: 2024年10月3日(木) 12:40-13:40

■発表者 : Davide Luigi Totaro(社会科学高等研究院 助教)

■要旨: “The increasing integration of AI into corporate governance is revolutionizing decision-making processes worldwide, with AI systems taking on vital roles in tasks such as data analysis and strategic planning. This trend is expected to gain momentum globally due to rapid advancements in AI technology. However, it poses significant challenges in areas such as Directors’ and Officers’ liability, regulatory compliance, and the adequacy of insurance coverage. Globally, legal frameworks are evolving to address these concerns, as seen in initiatives such as the 2024 EU AI Act, guidelines in Japan, and policies worldwide showcasing different policymaking objectives and legal cultures. This presentation aims to provide an overview of how AI is transforming corporate governance practices, reshaping Directors’ and Officers’ liability paradigms, existing legal frameworks, and the different approaches to AI governance across various legal systems.”

■開催場所: 一橋大学国立キャンパス  別館(※) 職員集会室(205)

■言語: 英語




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  5. 第35回日本疫学会学術総会(2025年2月12日~14日)で、Shamima Akter(社会科学高等研究院 特任講師)の発表演題「Population-level interventions to reduce alcohol-related harms: a systematic review and meta-analysis」が優秀演題にノミネートされました。

  6. SOCOL DE LA OSA David Uriel(HIAS 講師)が日本学術振興会(JSPS)、米国科学アカデミー (National Academy of Sciences: NAS)およびフンボルト財団 (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation: AvH)共催の第5回日米独先端科学(JAGFOS)シンポジウムに日本側研究者として参加しました

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