Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study

10月31日(木)第10回HIAS Brown Bag Seminar:Shaofeng Zheng (社会科学高等研究院 講師)「Empathic Concern Promotes Social Support-Seeking: A Cross-Cultural Study」を開催します(対面開催)。

第10回HIAS Brown Bag Seminar開催のお知らせ




事前登録期日 : 10月30日(水) 13:00


■題目 :「Empathic Concern Promotes Social Support-Seeking: A Cross-Cultural Study」

■講師 : Shaofeng Zheng (社会科学高等研究院 講師)

■日時: 2024年10月31日(木) 12:40-13:40

■要旨: “Empathic concern – feeling sympathy and compassion for someone else in need – has been well known as a critical
motivator in prosocial behavior (e.g., support provision).Recent studies suggest that, in addition to support
provision, individuals with high trait-empathic concern are also more likely to seek social support when coping
with stress. However, the mechanisms through which empathic concern promotes support-seeking remains
unclear. Through three cross-cultural studies in Japan and the U.S., our research complements this work by
suggesting that individuals high in trait-empathic concern are more willing to ask for support because they
are more optimistic about others’ prosocial willingness. Additionally, Japanese individuals are more likely than
European Americans to legitimate suffering by attributing it to norm violations and feel less sympathy toward those
who suffer. Consequently, low trait-empathic concern may reduce Japanese individuals’ expectation of others’
prosocial willingness and dampen their willingness to ask for support.”

■開催場所: 一橋大学国立キャンパス  別館(※) 職員集会室(205)

■言語: 英語


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  6. 『Legal Innovation』がCambridge University Pressより刊行されました

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