第13回HIAS Brown Bag Seminar
事前登録期日 : 1月15日(水) 13:00
■題目 :「Returns to Education in Marriage」
■講師 : Etienne Makdissi (社会科学高等研究院 特任講師)
■日時: 2024年1月16日(木) 12:40-13:40
■要旨: Recent work has been interested in the effect of the marriage market on sorting in other markets, e.g., education choice, labor supply, etc. There is an interest in evaluating the effect of the marriage market on different forms of pre-marital investment. A difficulty in these models is that unique equilibria are not guaranteed, leading to complications when evaluating the effect of policies in counterfactual scenarios. We first show that the canonical marriage market model of Choo and Siow (2006) always admits a unique equilibrium even when we allow for pre-marital investment. We then extend the work of Chiappori, Costa Dias, and Meghir (2018) to evaluate the effect of the marriage market on educational sorting in the US between 1960 and 2020. In the 20th century, marriage consideration pushed women to finish high school but away from college. That effect changed over time, incentivizing women to obtain a college degree.
■開催場所:一橋大学国立キャンパス 別館(※) 中会議室(205)
■言語: 英語